Camille’s Story

On June 28, 2013, Camille was admitted to the hospital for ongoing abdominal pain. After a battery of tests and x-rays and discussions with several specialists, the doctors determined that surgery was necessary to remove a large mass in her abdomen. In the days that followed, the results of the biopsy confirmed that the mass was, in fact, cancerous. Camille was diagnosed with Stage 3 Leiomyosarcoma – cancer of the soft tissue and smooth muscle. Leiomyosarcoma is extremely rare and accounts for only 4 out of every 1 million cancer cases. This form of cancer is extremely unpredictable and is resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. And although Leiomyosarcoma is regarded as a highly aggressive tumor, the promising news is that the tumor is confined to the stomach region and has not spread to other areas of the body.

After consulting various oncologists from two different hospitals, it was decided that Camille has two options. The first is to undergo several rounds of chemo and radiation in hopes of shrinking the tumor. The second is to forego chemo and radiation altogether and attempt to surgically remove the tumor. In either scenario, the physical, mental and emotional fight will be arduous and the financial toll will be substantial. We believe that time is the most valuable commodity and that any support she receives from her family and friends will go a long way towards her recovery. We ask that you give only what you can as any donation will be greatly appreciated.

For those of who know Camille, know her to be one that absolutely and unequivocally LOVES life. She loves the outdoors, loves adventure, and most importantly, loves the company of friends and family. Camille is blessed to have such a wonderful support group that has been by her side as she received the life-changing diagnosis. Yet, despite it all, she remains true to her amazing character: ever hopeful and committed to living each day to the fullest. And at age 30, she has youth on her side, a fighting spirit and a will to fight this terrible disease.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts, prayers, love and support.

With gratitude,

UPDATE as of May 2014:
Dear Friends & Family-

Some of you may have heard the news by now. On May 23, 2014, Camille was readmitted to the hospital for stomach pain. The days that led up to that, she was already experiencing familiar side pains that had come and gone. A CT scan and an MRI of her chest and abdomen were immediately ordered. The results came back a few hours later- sadly the cancer has returned and is relatively larger in size. Fortunately for Camille, it has not metastasized and is still fully contained within the abdomen.

After meeting with both the surgical and radiation oncologist, it has been decided that radiation treatment would be in Camille’s best interest prior to undergoing any surgery. Surgery is the obvious route, but seeing that this is an aggressive tumor with already one recurrence, the doctor’s would like to tackle this with a much more aggressive approach. Camille will do five consecutive weeks of radiation therapy, Monday through Friday for about 30 minutes a day. The goal is to shrink the tumor and kill off cancerous cells to prevent reoccurrence. Surgery will follow some several weeks following radiation treatment. In the interim, she’ll be closely monitored to ensure no signs of tumor growth or metastasis has developed.

Another long road ahead, but it’s just another bump in the road she needs to push through. With her strong will & determination, we know she can get through this. She’s got a strong support system, family & friends that have given her the strength and confidence to not only fight but beat this. Please, please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate your support and your taking the time to read this.

With gratitude,

8 thoughts on “Camille’s Story

  1. Hi Cams! It’s me, Carolene (Lugtu). Im so saddened about your health. Reading your blog has brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was reading and seeing. I will keep you in my prayers. Fight! Stay positive! Take care of yourself and God bless you!

  2. Hi Camille, we want you to know that your family in Chicago and California pray for your quick recovery. Always think positively. We all love you very much. Please contact your tito Nestor’s phone number and please give us your address.
    Tito Nestor, Tita Ofelia, and family

  3. Hi Camille, So sorry for what you are going through. I went through the same thing 6 years ago. They removed 2 tumors the size of footballs and smaller ones growing rapidly.The dr thought they were fibroids but tests came back Leiomyosarcoma. 6 years ago there wasn’t much information. I am doing well and I hope and pray that things will go great for you! Starr

  4. Hi Camille. I’m a friend of Nai Murphy. I’m sorry for what you are going through. I am currently going through a struggle myself. I was diagnosed with colon cancer a week after I got married this passed May. I had my colon removed, and thinking this would help.. Another tumor grew rapidly. I am currently on chemo. I pray for everyone who suffers and hope that there will be good news in our futures. With love – Terry

  5. Hi Camille are always included in our prayers…May our Good Lord Jesus touch you and remove anything that does not belong in your body…..have faith, love and patience…
    From Uncle Jing/Auntie Marissa

  6. Hi Camille! ….Our weekly Sunday Mass intentions and a prayer to *St. Peregrine for you. w/love, tito nick and tita dulce

    The Cancer Saint
    Feast Day is May is 4th

    O Great St. Peregrine,you have been called “The Mighty” “The Wonder Worker,” because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have (been) had recourse to you. For so many years you bore in your flesh this cancerous disease that destroy the very fiber of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask God and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you. We recall CAMILLE whom we are praying.
    Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy. Amen.

  7. Camille, I am so sorry for everything you are going through and am praying for you! I hope that everything goes well. You are such an inspiration, with all you have gone through and yet still have byour love for life and a beaming smile

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